by E Mackie | Sep 13, 2020 | PE
From Monday 14th September we intend to resume practical PE classes for all Year 8-10 pupils. Our young students have responded magnificently to the classroom based programmes and general procedures around school and we strongly believe that it is important now to...
by E Mackie | Sep 10, 2020 | Front Page, Parents
Parents/Carers we know it can be confusing trying to distinguish between symptoms of Coronavirus and other illnesses. The Chief Medical Officer and the Public Health Agency have provided parents with some advice. You can view the documents here – click on the...
by E Mackie | Sep 1, 2020 | Transformation
A Guide on Integration for Parents Please click the link to access a guide for Parents on Integration, the Process of making the transition and how it will impact our school. A short guide to integrated education in Northern Ireland The History of...
by E Mackie | Sep 1, 2020 | Transformation
Glengormley High School – Our parents vote resoundingly in favour of Integration We conducted a postal ballot and our parents had their say….voting strongly in favour of our transformation to integrated status.
by E Mackie | Sep 1, 2020 | Front Page, Transformation
In March 2020 the parents of Glengormley High School voted YES to begin the process of becoming an integrated school. This was the start of a legal process, called Transformation To Integrated Status, which is really starting to gather pace. Our aim is to be...