Lunchtime in Year 8

“When you are in Year 8 at ICG not only do you have your own dedicated canteen, but you get to go to lunch 10 minutes before everyone else! That has been amazing. At first I was worried about where I would sit at lunch, what the food would be like and whether I would have enough time to eat my lunch etc. But having longer for lunch, having our own canteen and great choices of food has meant that I needn’t have worried. As well as our own canteen we have our own playground. We have basketball nets, goal posts and a selection of equipment like rugby balls, footballs, basketballs, skipping ropes etc. As soon as I finish my lunch I go out to play with my friends in the playground. It’s so much fun! I play football most days and its really helped me to meet new people and to feel more confident. There are places to sit and eat outside in the playground too, so if it’s a sunny day you can eat outside. . The teachers on duty are so nice. The sixth form pupils help out at lunchtime too, and they have a ‘safe space’ so if you are feeling lonely you can go inside and play games and talk to people. I also enjoy going to IT club some lunchtimes and I’ve been able to have fun and learn some cool new things I love lunchtime in ICG, it’s when I get to let loose, unwind and play with my friends.”

– Dylan Thompson – Year 8

In our school, we have lots to do at lunchtime. I really enjoy going to Nail Club every Wednesday with my friends. I represent my Form Class 8DJ and attend weekly school council meetings with the pastoral team. We have a range of clubs to choose from including ICT Club, Games Club and Lego Club. My friends and I like to eat our lunch outside, particularly if the weather is nice. However, we can also go to the canteen as well. Year 8 have their own canteen, and we share a large playground with Year 9 pupils. We have football nets, basketball nets and a range of sports equipment to use.

– Lillia Cromie – Year 8