A Typical School Day

A day in the life of a Year 8 Pupil

My school day starts when my parents drop me off around 8.30am and I look forward to catching up with my friends. Then I go to my form class and my form tutor announces any important information. Once registration ends at 9.05am, I go to my period 1 class. When everyone arrives, we all line up and wait for our teacher to meet and greet us before we go into our class.  Once period 2 is over, I head out to the Year 8 playground to eat break and spend time with my friends. We usually talk about our previous lessons. After break, we attend period 3 and 4 classes. At 12.40pm, I go to the Year 8 canteen for hot food but some pupils eat packed lunch. Lunch is longer than break, everyone gets to spend more time with their friends. Once the 1.25pm bell rings, I go back to my form class for afternoon registration. Then, I attend periods 5 and 6. After period 6, my last lesson, I either go home or attend an extra-curricular activity. I love going to clubs, especially Hockey Club and Science Shack. I love the silly experiments in the lab. As well as Science and Hockey, I love Netball and Running. Once my school day is over, I go home and tell my family all about it! 

Isabella Gilliland, Mossley Primary School


In the morning my Mum drops me in at school around 8:35am and I go to my form class or on Monday’s I go to Year 8 assembly.  In form class, my form tutor goes through the announcements and then I go to period 1 when the bell rings.  At the end of period 2, I and my friends visit the canteen for a quick bite to eat before period 3 begins and I then go to my period 4 lesson.  In Year 8, all pupils go to lunch 10 minutes before the rest of the pupils, which is great.  I love going to the canteen at lunch to choose from the lovely food and because lunch is much longer, I can spend more time with my friends and then I go and play basketball in the Year 8 playground each day.  After lunch, we see our Form Tutor again for 10 minutes for afternoon registration before going to period 5 and 6.  Each Monday and Friday, school finishes early at 2:35pm and school finishes at 3:30pm every other day.  I enjoy going to after-school clubs.  Each day I leave school and get a bus home, I am so tired after all of the hard work!

Daniel Cairns, Greenisland Primary School

Monday & Friday

8.45 - 9.05
Lesson 1
9.05 - 10.00
Lesson 2
10.00 - 10.55
10.55 - 11.10
Lesson 3
11.10 - 12.05
Lesson 4
12.05 - 13.00
13.00 - 13.35
13.35 - 13.40
Lesson 5
13.40 - 14.35

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday

8.45 - 9.05
Lesson 1
9.05 - 10.00
Lesson 2
10.00 - 10.55
10.55 - 11.10
Lesson 3
11.10 - 12.05
Lesson 4
12.05 - 13.00
13.00 - 13.35
13.35 - 13.40
Lesson 5
13.40 - 14.35
Lesson 6
14.35 - 15.30