Pastoral Care

At Integrated College Glengormley we foster a warm, friendly and supportive environment for all our pupils.  Positive relationships between pupils and staff is paramount and we prioritize building mutual respect and understanding.

Each pupil is led by a caring Form Tutor who registers them in the morning and again in the afternoon.  The Form Tutor cares for the pupil’s pastoral needs and is the first point of contact between home and school.  Form Tutors are supported in their role by a Head of Year and a Senior Leader.  The work of the Form Tutor is supplemented by a programme of study in Personal Development, Citizenship and Employability.

At Integrated College Glengormley we care about every pupil as an individual.  We work closely with external support services to ensure that every child gets the support they need.  All our staff are trained in Trauma Informed and Restorative Practices and these underpin our approach to behavior management.  The school has been awarded status as a Pivotal Behaviour School, which means that we have been recognized for our positive approaches to managing behavior.  Our school rules are very simple and are known as the ‘Glengormley Way’ – Be Safe, Be Ready and Be Respectful.

We place a high value on rewarding and promoting positive behavior.  We are the only school that has dedicated staff development time on a Friday to recognise and reward students by:

  • Making positive phone calls
  • Sending positive texts / emails / letters
  • Sending postcards / positive notes
  • Logging positive behavior points
  • Planning / organising class / individual rewards

We are not just a school.  We are a family and we take pride in each and every one of our students.