Our journey to Integration

Our Journey to Integrated Status

In March 2020 the parents of Glengormley High School voted overwhelmingly for Transformation to Integrated Status – the first post-primary school here to undertake the process in over 10 years.

We embarked on this journey because we believe that the future of Northern Ireland lies in children from all backgrounds and cultures being educated together. By working and growing together we can build a brighter future for our country.

In March 2022 we were delighted to receive approval for our Transformation Plans by Education Minister Michelle McIlveen and we were delighted to receive this approval.

Our Principal, Ricky Massey, released the statement;

“The Glengormley High School Governors and staff are absolutely delighted with the Minister’s decision today. We have been on this journey since early 2019, engaging with pupils, parents, staff and the wider community.

The consultation evidenced a high demand for Integrated Education within our community and thankfully this will now be offered. Becoming integrated is not about taking anything away from our community, but adding something amazing to it.

I am indebted to the invaluable help of the Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education (NICIE), the Integrated Education Fund (IEF) and the Education Authority (EA) working in conjunction with my staff to get us to this point. We are so excited about this new chapter in our history which will ensure that our school is intentionally invitational to the whole of our diverse local community.”

Welcome to ICG

In September 2022 we officially became Integrated College Glengormley. As an integrated school we believe that the future of Northern Ireland lies in children from all backgrounds and cultures being educated together. By working and growing together we can build a brighter future for our country.

As part of our exciting transformation journey we designed a new brand, crest and school uniform. We were proud to share our new identity with our school community in this video.