by E Mackie | Sep 10, 2020 | Front Page, Parents
Parents/Carers we know it can be confusing trying to distinguish between symptoms of Coronavirus and other illnesses. The Chief Medical Officer and the Public Health Agency have provided parents with some advice. You can view the documents here – click on the...
by E Mackie | Sep 1, 2020 | Front Page, Transformation
In March 2020 the parents of Glengormley High School voted YES to begin the process of becoming an integrated school. This was the start of a legal process, called Transformation To Integrated Status, which is really starting to gather pace. Our aim is to be...
by E Mackie | Sep 1, 2020 | Front Page, Transformation
Community Support for Integration In March 2020 the parents of Glengormley High School voted YES to begin the process of becoming an integrated school. This was the start of a legal process, called Transformation To Integrated Status, which is really starting to...
by B Guiney | May 7, 2020 | Front Page
Today we celebrate the 75th anniversary VE Day – check out this resource below which has a number of activities to get involved with. VE Day Activity Pack
by B Guiney | Apr 20, 2020 | Front Page, Numeracy
Hi all There are a range of really useful apps that can be downloaded and used to support pupils with difficulty in Maths. This can include pupils with dyscalculia or numeracy difficulties. Click the link to access the resource – Apps for learners with...
by B Guiney | Feb 7, 2020 | Front Page, news, Parents, Pupils
On Wednesday 5th February Year 10 pupils had the opportunity to talk to Year 12 and 6th Form pupils about the subjects available to them at Key Stage 4. They received information about subjects and progression to 6th form and careers. They also received an options...