Home Economics

Home Economics


Ms C Daly (Head of Department)

Mrs L Mc Reynolds

Miss C McCallion

Mr C Woodward


Home Economics

Home Economics is a strand of Learning for Life and Work.  Home Economics is designed to enable students to acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills to make informed decisions about home and family which may improve the quality of life for themselves and others.


The practical, productive tasks undertaken in Home Economics help students develop a range of skills which are essential for their present and future lives.


Our Home Economics department provides opportunities for students to study a wide variety of subjects at different levels.


Key Stage 3

At Key Stage 3 Pupils learn a series of theory topics as well as practical experiences in cooking a range of different world cuisines.


Key Stage 4

At Key Stage 4, students can opt to continue studying for GCSE in two areas – Hospitality and Child Development. Both these subjects are relevant and important for students’ overall academic and personal development.

CCEA GCSE Hospitality
Hospitality is a very relevant and engaging subject which develops students’ knowledge of the hospitality industry and the skills required for working in it. As part of the course students learn about: diet and health, first aid, customer care and marketing.

CCEA GCSE Child Development
Child Development enables students to study the social, physical, intellectual, communication and emotional development of young children from conception to the age of five years. This subject can provide a strong basis for those seeking employment in a wide range of education and healthcare settings.

CCEA Occupational Studies
We also offer Occupational Studies options for our students in three areas – Creative Cuisine, Care and Child Care. These courses provide an appropriate alternative to the traditional GCSE subjects we offer.

Students complete a varied specification with a focus on practical skills across the academic year.

  • Occupational Studies Creative Cuisine students focus on both a Patisserie and Baking Unit and a Contemporary Cuisine Unit.
  • For students following the Care Option, they will focus on the following units: Working in a Care Environment and Reminiscence
  • Those students who choose to study the Childcare will study the following units: The Physical Care of Babies and the Play Environment.


For more information on the subject or any general enquiries please click the button to contact the Head of Department, Ms Daly.

For more information on the subject or any general enquiries please click the button to contact the Head of Department, Miss Daly.