Pivotal Education
In September 2018 Glengormley High School became Northern Ireland’s first pivotal school, establishing the ‘Glengormley Way’…. a new whole school approach which has resulted in a measureable improvement in terms of pupils and staff well-being, relationships between staff, pupils and parents, attendance and behaviour as well as having a positive impact on pupil results and academic outcomes.
Guided by the 5 pillars of Pivotal Education we embraced the value statements of ‘Be Ready, Be Safe, Be Respectful’ and these values have served to create a consistently positive atmosphere in school, conducive to learning and growth.
These changes in approach were recognised at teaching and leadership level with many of our staff being nominated for individual awards as well as Glengormley High School being awarded runner up spot in UK School of the Year 2019. We’ve also become a school that many other schools turn to for advice and guidance on how they can implement the positive changes we have.
As Integrated College Glengormley we hold these principles central to the success of our school and in helping us create a positive and productive learning environment for our pupils.