Year 14 Orange History Lecture

[soliloquy id=”4703″] We were delighted to welcome Dr. Jonathan Mattison to school recently. He spoke to our Year 14 History students about the issue of Home Rule and the nature of the opposition to it in Ulster. It was a very interactive discussion that...

Year 11 History visit the Ulster Museum

1968: a Missed Opportunity workshop – Ulster Museum April 18th [soliloquy id=”4691″] Year 11 History students took part in a conference exploring the foundation of the Civil Rights movement in Northern Ireland. They had the opportunity to engage with...

Nomad visit our Year 8 Pupils

On Thursday the NOMAD team from Youth for Christ were in school working with Year 8.  The team set up a portable football cage in the school assembly hall.  Pupils worked in groups, developing their football skills and playing football in the cage.  The sessions then...

First meeting of the debating society

This week saw the first meeting of the Debating Society. The topic for the debate was “This house believes that Euthanasia should be available for the terminally ill.” Speaking for the pro-choice side were Freya and Sam, opposing were Darrah and Jadon....

Celebrating Young Enterprise Success

This morning in assembly we celebrated with AVP Mr McNabb our young people who completed a Young Enterprise Personal Economics Programme. In completing the programme they thought about future careers, explored interview techniques, spending habits, banking trends,...

Debating Society

The Debating Society is organised through Learning for Life and Work. Why not come along an engage in a debate on a relevant issue? The skills you will develop include: Communication and research skills Negotiation skills Diplomacy skills And staying cool under...