Summer 2020 Examinations Appeals Process

Students who wish to appeal their result should use the linked document below to apply for the appeals process.

Summer Results 2020 – APPEAL PROCESS

Dear Parent/Guardian,

All schools have now been informed of the process by which CCEA will award GCSE and A Level grades this summer. Below is a summary of the key points from the documentation received, along with links to detailed guidance for your information.

The Senior Leadership Team, the exams and assessment team, the pastoral staff, Heads of Department and subject teachers will now embark on the process of working through this guidance, and the guidance from OFQUAL, in order to produce the centre assessment grades and rank orders required by the exam boards. The school has the information required to complete this process. Please note that we cannot share the centre assessment grade or the rank order with parents, pupils or anyone outside of the centre other than the relevant exam board.

We appreciate that this is a very challenging time for exam candidates and for their parents. Please be assured that our aim is to secure an outcome that is a fair and accurate reflection of the academic ability of all of our pupils.

I hope that you and your family are all keeping well.

Kindest regards

Mr Massey

A summary of the key points:

  • Schools will submit a centre assessment grade for each student. This will be a holistic professional judgement, based on existing records and available evidence, to produce a grade that each student is most likely to have achieved if they had sat their exams and internally assessed components.  
  • Schools will also be asked to rank pupils within each grade in each subject.
  • The school cannot share the centre assessment grade or the rank order with pupils, parents or any other individual outside of the centre.
  • CCEA will determine the final grade to be awarded.
  • AS grades will be awarded in the summer but will not count towards the final A-Level grade. Final examinations taken in May and June 2021 will determine a pupil’s overall A-Level result.
  • Pupils currently in L6 can also choose to sit AS examinations in summer 2021 alongside their A-Level examinations, either to improve their AS grade or to count towards their A level grade.
  • For pupils in Year 11 currently taking GCSE modules, no grades will be awarded, however, they may be able sit exams in those modules in the autumn of 2020 or spring of 2021.
  • Results will be issued in August as usual (13th August AS and A Level, 20th August GCSE).
  • A robust appeals process will be put in place.
  • Students who feel that their grades from this summer do not reflect their ability will be able to sit examinations at the next available opportunity. If they choose to do this, the higher grade will stand.
Please follow these links to the CCEA website which offers more detailed information:

Please find a downloadable copy of this information here

Letter on Assessment

Information for Examination Candidates.

Please read the following important documents. These document have been written to help you. Please read them carefully and follow the instructions. If there is anything you do not understand please ask your subject teacher.

The following timetable is a guide only. Your child will receive their own personal Examination timetable, which they should keep safe. Please direct all queries to Miss Shearer.


Information for candidates – coursework 2019-2020

Information for candidates – non-examination assessments 2019-2020—non-examination-assessments

Information for candidates – on-screen tests 2019-2020—on-screen-tests

Information for Candidates – Privacy Notice 2019-2020—privacy-notice

Information for candidates – social media

Information for candidates – written exams 2019-2020—written-exams