Year 11 BBC Young Reporters visit UUJ

A selection of our Year 11 BBC Young Reporters visited Ulster University to partake in a Digital City Day. From creating news stories to animations and meeting some journalists to discuss career opportunities, it’s clear that a fantastic day was had by all! [soliloquy...

Elf Bungee Jumps

On Thursday some of Santa’s Elves were involved in a bungee jump project with our Year 8 Maths students. The pupils worked in groups to collect data and then they used their tables and graphs to calculate how the elves could safely make a bigger bungee jump. No...

Year 8 Autobiographies

Well done to Mrs Fox’s Year 8 class who produced amazing auto-biographies as a homework project. The class have had great fun admiring and reading others’ work. 6 students received cards and presents as recognition for their efforts, decided by the class. Some are...

Historians of the Month

Well done to our Historians of the Month for October! Year 12: Katie Nelson, Conor McGurk Year 11: Katie Robinson Year 10: Aimee-Jo Maginnis, Kyle Stewart Year 9: Bailey Campbell, Dean McGilton, Molly McCrum Year 8: Katie McDowell, Charlie McClenaghan...

Year 9 Dudes and Divas

Year 9 took part in a Young Enterprise seminar: Explore Enterprise. The pupils heard a talk by Sarah from Dudes+Divas Entertainment, then designed Apps for Dudes+Divas exploring the idea of marketing. They were a credit to our school. [soliloquy...